Friday, November 2, 2012

Week 1 - Loving LIfe

I can't believe that I have been here a week! We had 5 baptisms on Saturday, just in our branch. The church is growing so fast here. I was told that they have at least 5-15 baptism every Saturday. The missionaries are really doing great. I played the piano at the baptism, only because the Branch President asked if I could play. I told him, “Not very good,” and he smiled and said, “Great! You will do fine.” Oh my goodness, my hands were shaking! I have never played for a congregation - ever - and I never thought I would! Well…God had other plans! I had to lift my hands off the keyboard a couple of times because I had played the wrong notes, but thank goodness, they did just fine with my mistakes. I will be practicing this week – A LOT!

We have a brother Holden who works in the mission home. His is so patient and kind. We are in the process of starting a Distribution Center here and as soon as it is up and running, Holden will be the manager of it. He works for the church right now.

( on the pictures to see them bigger...) 

Anyway this weekend Myself, Sister McKnight (my roommate), Elder and Sister Mathews, Holden and his wife Sandra, (both natives) and two German brethren that were here to help get things started with the distribution center – we all took a day trip to a  place called Terrafal. 

This is Holden's Home village. His mother is the sweetest thing ever! They live in one of the poorest areas on the island. But when I walked into the house, they all were smiling and grabbed me, and gave me kisses and hugs!

        (Holden, his 2 brothers, me, his mother, and is wife)

I gave Holden 1,000.00 escudo's before we left. I told him to use it to have a good time with his parents. He couldn't believe it and asked why I would do this? I told him, “Because I can.” He had tears in his eyes. So you can understand how much this is, the exchange rate is 81 escudo's to one dollar. So I basically gave them $12.32. The average income for a Cape Verdian per day is $6.45. Holden's parents live way below that average. He is a great man and a strong member of the church. Both he and his brother have served missions for the church here on their islands.

I am getting better with finding my way around; however I did get lost one time. I was headed home from the mission office and I told the taxi driver where to take me but I didn't pronounce it right. I don't know where we were but I called sister Oliveira on my cell phone then gave the phone to the taxi driver and he laughed - so I laughed - and he took me home. It's a great adventure out here.Check out these random spiders just hanging from wires - all over!  Awesome!

I love my roommate, Sister McKnight. She is from Idaho; also a single mother of four children. She has 15 grandchildren and is a little more cautious than I am. (…imagine that) 

So my first priority is to care for all 78 missionaries here, and the mission president and his wife  I will be putting together first aid kits this week. I have to go to the pharmacy and buy all the medications to put in them - a total of about 15 medications that will cover a lot of sicknesses. Then I’ll fill a large Ziploc bag with the name of each drug, what it is used for, and how often to take it. It really is a good thing for all of the missionaries to have, especially those that are on other islands.

I want to thank you all again for your love and support.  I know that God lives and that he loves each one of us so much, I know that we have a Savior, Jesus Christ, who atoned for our sins and I know that Joseph Smith was given the keys to bring to pass the restored gospel upon the earth for these, the Latter Days. I am so grateful to be his disciple. I am humble to be here serving in a “Land of Light”, where the gospel is growing so rapidly. I know that Joseph Smith would have tears in his eyes if he could see the church here. I love each of you so very much. Always remember to be kind to one another and most importantly be kind to yourselves. When we forgive ourselves it allows growth to happen. “I feel my Savior's love, in all the world around me.” May our Heavenly Father bless and keep each of you safe, is my prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Sister Cassita

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