Well, I arrived here in Cape Verde and
I love it already! The plane ride was
not bad. I traveled with 7 elders and 2 sisters, all headed to my mission. Bless
their hearts…they all took a few extra things in their own carryon luggage for
me…extra medical supplies and such. I
got everything over here that I wanted to! We flew to Boston ;
then 6 hours later headed straight to Cape Verde . I slept most of the way here which was nice.
(The time difference is 5 hours ahead of SLC) The gentleman sitting next to me
on the plane to Boston works for Adobe and has offered to help with the great
needs of these people….medical supplies, hygiene kits, primary materials,
nursery toys, etc. Truly, “God is in the
details of our lives!”
Did I say already that I LOVE
my mission? President and his wife, Sister Oliveira, are
so kind! Sister Oliveira was in tears when she saw all the supplies that I
brought with me. The mission home is about a 15 minute taxi ride from my “deluxe”
apartment. Really…I was expecting something much more…well…dirt floors…or
something. My roommate, Sister McKnight,
is great!
I am so excited for the
people of Cape Verde .
The people are lovely and there are a lot of needs. It’s a lot like the Azore Islands
just north of here, where I used to live…hot and humid and great! I have
already met some Cape
Verdians and they are
sooooo sweet, happy and kind. Also, they
are very affectionate towards one another. The water is beautiful and I am walking distance to the shore. Did I say I LOVE IT HERE!?!?!
I will be flying to all 8 of
the islands that we have missionaries on within the next 30 days to build a
rapport with the doctors and nurses. The
Missionaries are great. There is such a great spirit here among them! Tomorrow I’m headed to the other side of this island
to see my first sick missionary. Let the
work begin!
I am so happy to be
here! So much to learn! I can do hard things, but this feels easy at
the moment.
I need to get good at speaking
Portuguese quickly. I think I’ll find me
a private tutor in the ward.
Thank you again, to everyone
who has had a part in my being here. Words cannot express how grateful I am to
you for your love and support. I am so
honored to be a servant of the Lord in this part of His vineyard. God bless you all in your efforts in your part
of His world as well.
This is the address for a letter or a package. (Packages take about a month, but seem to get here safely.)
Sister Cassita
missao Cabo Verde Praia
C.P. 420
Praia, LLHA De Santiago