Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Catching Up....

My Dear family and friends,

Oh how I miss you,  but oh how wonderful it is to be out here in the mission field.  As I drive down and back on our only road that we have here on our tiny Atoll (12x12 square miles) and look out over the beautiful ocean, palm trees, white sandy beaches and most importantly the wonderful  Kiribati people, I often say to myself, “I can't believe that I'm here.”

 The young missionaries are doing such an amazing work and are so devoted to saving souls.  I love serving with them and being there nurse, mother, and sister. 

I was driving down the road the other day and stopped to help two women that were standing on the side of the road waiting for a van (bus). It was just starting to rain and one had a new baby. I told them to hop in and that I would take them to Betio. That is the furthest town on the West end of the Atoll and where the Bloody war of Tarawa was in WWII.   
I let them out at one of the girls’ mother’s home where they were getting some Kias (sleeping mats) that her mother makes and then these ladies sell them. One of the ladies asked for my phone number and also if she and her friend could get a ride back to Eita with me. I told them yes, ( of course…)

After I took care of my errand and got back to her mother's home, and as we were trying to shove this very large roll of kias into the trunk, I could hear these two boys speaking in Kiribati. I heard the word “Hee-ma-tong” (not sure on the spelling but it means ghost. When the people here first saw a white person, they thought they were seeing a ghost. ) Anyway,  I said to the boys, "That's right, I'm a Hee-ma-tong!" They just started laughing and asked if I knew what it meant. I told them , “yes”.  We had a good chat and by the time we were saying goodbye there were a total of 6 boys gathered.  I asked them if I could come back and share a message about Jesus Christ with them from the Book of Mormon.  They all said, “yes”. Then I asked if they would like a Book  of Mormon,  and again they said, “yes”.   I offered to give them one in English or Kiribati. They were surprised when I told them that it is written in Kiribati.

Then,  when I dropped off the two ladies at their home not far from where I live, I offered the same and got the same response. So, this week should be wonderful;  filled with teaching the gospel and being with the young missionaries. I don't know how, but eight investigators in one day!!!

These people are so humble and ready to receive the gospel in their lives. I love being a missionary so much! (but I do miss my children and grandchildren) I am especially proud to announce the birth of baby Tristan, born April 21st to Taylor and Sophie. He was 8 lbs 4 oz and 20 inches..and he's adorable!!!

 I also had a fun P-day with all of the senior missionaries.  We went to the town of Buota and did some snorkeling and Elder Bush and I did some bridge jumping with allllll the little kids:) It was a blast!

I will leave you with this parting thought from Joseph Smith:

“The enemy will never get weary—I expect he will array everything against me—I expect tremendous warfare. He that will war the Christian warfare will have the angels of devils and all the infernal powers of darkness continually arrayed against him. When all speak evil of you, blessed are ye. Shall a man be considered bad, when men speak evil of him? No. If a man stands and opposes the world of sin, he may expect all things array’d against him.  But it will be a little season and all these afflictions will be turned away from us inasmuch as we are faithful and are not overcome by these evils.  By seeing the blessings of the endowment rolling on, and the kingdom increasing and spreading from sea to sea; we will rejoice that we were not overcome by these foolish things.”  

I will be glad when this battle is over for all of us and Satan is bound.  But more importantly I look forward to the day when our Savior will come. 

Love, Sister Cassita


  1. Bless your ever loving heart! I love your courage, and how amazing,what an amazing missionary you are indeed! Your sweet little grandbaby boy is sooo so cute! Thanks for your update, love you dearly, Cami

  2. Yea sister Liz! You are soooo amazing. It is always so good to hear about your adventures. I'm glad even a ghost can give away a book of Mormon. Congratulations on your new grand-baby. You will be thrilled to see him when you finish your mission.

    Love you.
    Jennifer and Howard
