Dearest family and friends,
for my absence in writing to all of you but I assure that I have been
much engaged in doing the work of the Lord and being refined. It has not
always been easy, that's for sure but oh, so worth every blessing that I have received and the increase in learning. I would not trade what I have learned nor the experiences that I’ve had. I love you and miss you all!
Since it has been so long and there is much that I want to share, I will be posting mostly photos in my next couple of posts. The
Lord is Hastening His work in miraculous ways and I love that I’m
serving my mission at this time and that I get to share it with all of
I have learned that as I feed His sheep, my spirit is being healed. It is quite a miracle! I
love my Savior with all my heart. My eyes are filled with tears of
gratitude and love as I write these words. I feel such a deep love for
each of you and for your love, support and kindness to me while I’ve
been serving.
Thank you!!!
Love, Sister Cassita
Pictures of the children coloring for their first time. My best friend Marci sent some crayons and coloring books and what a hit they were! The children colored in them all 4 days that I stayed with them. Thank you so much Marci!
Just heading out to clean the missionary flat. I love this island!
This is Nana fixing dinner, fish, rice, breadfruit and coconuts, Yum!
and AFTER...
These are two of my dear friends, Ntonga and Taraawa. They went with me to the outer island , Abaiang to clean a missionary flat where an elder used to live but now sisters will be moving there. The boat that we are on is called the Waa.
Down on the main floor there are 4 large holding spaces where supplies are put for transport.
The Captain let us sit up on the roof, it was a spectacular view and plenty of sun.
There were so many beautiful shades of blue as we traveled. On our way to the island we saw dolphins and two huge black and white sting rays just skimming the surface of the ocean, so amazing.
I'm sitting on a beautiful kia that was a gift given to me by the village, all hand made from Pandana leaves.
This was a view from the top of the Waa as we were approaching the island.
Beebe's hut and two of her children and Kiribati pancakes for breakfast, Yum!!