Mauri Family and Friends,
I know it has been way to long since I
updated my blog. I have been trying to stay afloat with everything. I
will be short in my writing but just know how much I love and miss all
of you so much. I do so love being a missionary but I have experienced
some of the most challenging days of my life out here. And because of
this I have truly come to know my Savior and Heavenly Father with a deeper trust and binding love I had not known before.
have also learned that as I "Act" upon the promptings of the Holy Ghost I
find myself in situations or with certain people that I would never
have planned myself to be in. More than anything else, I know that as I
am about my Father's work, I am helping to build the Kingdom of God upon
the earth in these, the days before His coming.
I know God lives and loves each and everyone of His children. He
knows you by name and is inviting all of us to Come Unto Him - No matter
your station, color, age, or wealth. He loves you and needs you to come
back to His fold/family.
I know that we are all brothers and sisters and
that our Older Brother, Jesus Christ, willingly suffered for our sins, and
by and through His Atoning sacrifice we can all be saved.
I know that
Joseph Smith was chosen by God to bring forth the Book of Mormon in
these Latter Days. I personally know that you can find the answer to
any question in life in this book, along with prayer, for no prayer to our
loving Heavenly Father ever goes unanswered.
I know that the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the "only" true church upon the
face of this earth and that President Thomas S. Monson is God's living
prophet; our prophet to guide us.
I should like to leave a blessing with
all of you that as you pray, study and ponder the words from the Book
of Mormon, God will bless your minds with His peace.
I share this
testimony with all of you in His holy name, even Jesus Christ, Amen.
Moroni High School Graduation |
President and First Lady Tong this is
the dinner that some of the missionaries were invited to, to welcome the
Presidents from Morocco and Brazil. I gave them some gifts, BOM, Proclamation
on the family and a taupa from Fiji that reads Families are Forever. |
Me, head of Unceph , secretary to the ambassador of Taiwan
, Ambassador of Taiwan Abraham is his name,
ambassador of Australia George and his wife Denise. |
Me and First Lady Tong |
Vice principle Bauririue, Principle
Leita , English teacher |
Nedi, a pioneer of Kiribati and my
companion for the day of graduation. |
Couple from Ghana, he’s with the
government and there daughter attends Moroni. |
The graduation celebration and where
I would try, to do a Kiribati dance. |
Ready or not here we go ladies |
action |
members and non-members were so thrilled to have a white shirt and tie. Thank
you Trisha and to all the young women for their service project. It made a huge impact on these brethren. |
and Sister Weir headed over to Aubito to deliver some supplies to the only
pre-school on this island as well as some food for a family that I’ve been
teaching. The father is the one that got baptized and I’m still working with
the mother and some of their extended family.
It was a beautiful day and Sister Weir had a great time. |